Bpi Cam


Banana PI BPI-R2 is a highly integrated multimedia network router; it can be used for high wireless performance, home entertainment, home automation, etc. BPI-R2 integrates a Quad-code ARM Cortex-A7 MPcore operating up to 1.3 GHz, The Router also includes a variety of peripherals, including HDMI TX, MIPI DSI, PCIe2.0, USB2.0 OTG, USB3.0 Port. BP/Comp XTREME ENERGY XE268H Hydraulic Flat Tappet Cam and Lifter Kit BPI-CL-51-223-4 (0) Reviews: Write first review. SKU: BPI-CL-51-223-4. Lift.477'/.480' Duration 268°/280° RPM Range 1600-5800 Includes Cam and Lifter Kit (Lifter-Butler Spec version of the 852). We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

The BP Institute is pleased to announce a competition for BPI PhD Scholarships — these are fully funded PhD studentships for 3.5 years, open to candidates in all areas of fluid flow and surface science, related to the activities of the BPI.

We welcome applications for the scholarships, which should include a one-page cv including a statement of university exam results. Candidates should also submit a one page summary of their broad area of research interest, perhaps drawing on information about possible PhD research in the BP Institute (see www.bpi.cam.ac.uk/phd), or they may propose a specific research project, again as a one page summary. Please also let us have the names of two referees (e.g., your director of studies, supervisors or tutors).

We encourage candidates to discuss their research plans with members of the BPI faculty (see www.bpi.cam.ac.uk/people). The successful candidates will be supervised by one (or more) of the faculty in the BPI, and will be registered in one of the parent departments of the BPI.

Please submit applications to Catherine Pearson, catherine@bpi.cam.ac.uk, preferably by end December 2020 for full consideration.


Fully funded PhD Programme

We are pleased to launch a fully funded PhD programme on fluid mechanics and thermodynamics needed for the energy transition.

BPI PhD Scholarships

The BPI is pleased to announce a competition for BPI PhD Scholarships.

Covid 19-related research

Bpi Campus

BpiResearch is ongoing on the mixing and ventilation of aerosols and viruses in buildings. Key results and publications will be added below as they become available.
  • The impact of hospital ward ventilation on airborne pathogen exposure (Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., in press), where we present the results of a monitoring campaign in the cystic fibrosis ward in the new Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge.
  • The mixing of airborne contaminants by the repeated passage of people along a corridor (J. Fluid Mech. 903), where we show that people walking through a space drive significant mixing of the air, causing viruses and aerosols to be transported long distances and remain suspended in the air for a long time.
  • Analogue Laboratory Modelling of Ventilation in Nightingale Hospitals, where we compare different strategies for the ventilation of a ward.
  • Coronavirus Pandemic: Making Safer Emergency Hospitals. Healthcare authorities are attempting to add thousands of additional bed spaces by temporarily adapting any available large open halls. Here, we compare different low-tech adaptations to ventilation systems and ward configuration.
  • On the transport of heavy particles through an upward displacement-ventilated space (J. Fluid Mech. 772), where we investigate the removal of contaminants from a warm room using displacement ventilation.
  • On the transport of heavy particles through a downward displacement-ventilated space (J. Fluid Mech. 774), where we investigate the removal of contaminants from a room containing a source of cooling.


The University has just announced plans to divest from fossil fuelcompanies or the next 10 years, provides a powerful leadershipsignal for advancing decarbonisation of the energy system which wewelcome. The BPI is at the heart of pioneering new research forthe energy transition, and continues to work with a range of partnerson some of the most challenging problems involved in the transitionto zero carbon energy including:

  • carbon capture and storage: a key process which will enabledecarbonisation of cement, iron and steel manufacture and thedisposal of emissions from biofuels to create a net sink of carbon
  • geothermal power production, including novel closed loop multiwell systems, which can provide power generation as well as feedingdistrict heating and agricultural systems
  • innovative coatings for offshore wind turbines to extend theirlife and inhibit corrosion in such hostile environments
  • low energy building design to optimise air flows throughbuildings for more energy efficient heating and cooling
  • the use of phase change materials in heat exchange systems toproduce much more energy efficient solutions

Introduction to BPI

The BPI is an interdisciplinary Research Institute in the University of Cambridge, with a focus on fluid mechanics and surface science. The research spans subjects ranging from Volcano Dynamics, Carbon Sequestration, Ocean Mixing and Ice Sheet Evolution through to Microscopic Encapsulation Technology, Fundamentals of Wetting and Corrosion, Flow in Permeable Rocks, and most recently Granular Flows The research is characterised by the combination of experimental data, theoretical modelling and numerical analysis to enable quantitative description of many complex and often multiphase flow processes.

The BPI was established in 2000 and has six permanent university faculty, a senior research fellow and lively cohort of over 30 PhD and Post-Doctoral researchers. The BPI has 5 parent departments in the University including Earth Sciences, Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Engineering.

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Over the past 20 years, research from the BPI has had significant impact in a number of key areas including (a) design of low energy ventilation systems for buildings, (b) new insights into carbon sequestration technology, (c) improved functioning of lubricants, and (d) new encapsulation processes for bio-active washing powders.

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A flagship enterprise of the BPI is the Annual Masterclass in Energy Supply and Demand, which has been running for over 15 years and includes lively debate on the energy transition, including presentations and discussion of the technology challenges associated with various sources of energy and challenges on reducing energy demand.

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The BPI was established through a generous endowment by BP plc in 1999, and over the past 20 years, the BPI has built up very strong links with many partners in both academia and industry, working on problems in the built environment, the energy sector and the environment.